
Ultimate Birth Control

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Literature Text

Ultimate Birth Control
"Sir it seems that our planning for this day was successful. We have identified enough candidates to save the nation."
"Thank you general. Now let's just hope we gain an advantage if China and India misunderstood the recent events."


Mindy had just come home from school and walked in the door with her focus being on her cellphone completely oblivious to the rest of the world. Mindy was really the typical high school student. She did decently in school have a boyfriend and was in the prime of her beauty. She wasn't a bombshell but wasn't far away from being considered one. Her c cup breasts and bubble butt gave her a very sensual look. This was topped off by rich brown hair that she seemed to be able to put into any style.
She looked up for a moment to see her mom standing in the kitchen waiting for her. Mindy had a wonderful relationship with her mom because she was lax and really let Mindy do almost anything she wanted. But now she had a look of concern on her face.
"Hey mom why the long face?"
"Honey we need to talk."
"Well I know that you and Dan have been having sex now and I am okay with that it's your choice however I just can't help but worry. I know neither of you have any STDs but I can't help but worry that somehow you'll forget protection and I just don't want you to end up pregnant. At least not yet. So I scheduled you for an appointment with your doctor to administer a new birth control medication. It's just one needle so you won't have to take a pill."
"But mom Dan and I always remember. Therese no way we would forget."
"No buts here. This if for your own good. And besides I heard the side effects aren't that bad."
With the discussion over Mindy got in the car with her mom and they drove to the doctor's office. Once they were with the doctor Mindy asked about the side effects of this medication.
"Well it's actually a new medicine and its full effects have yet to be understood but it works on the same concept of other contraceptives as it tells the body its pregnant when it really isn't. However the bio-mechanics of this are different so the side effects that we know of are lesser. There is some bloating but that only occurs for two days at most. You may also be slightly tired after the injection but that's all."
Mindy consented to the injection now and after it was done didn't feel any different. However when she got in the car she felt very drowsy and quickly fell asleep.
Mindy woke up when the car was just pulling into the driveway. Looking at the clock it seemed like it took them an hour and a half to get home compared to the usual half hour. When she asked her mom about it she said there was a major traffic delay which stopped them for a while. Dismissing it Mindy went inside and quickly ate the dinner her dad had ordered. She went upstairs and tried to check Facebook but was too tired and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning Mindy woke up and was immediately grumpy. She could tell this was going to be a bad day because she woke up with a headache and had felt bloated. The doctor had said this would occur but this felt like her worst period ever. Grumbly she got out of bed and walked to the bath room to take a shower. After a nice long steaming shower Mindy went back into her room to go find what she was going to laze around the house in for her first day of spring break. She found a pair of comfy sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. Going downstairs she found her mom moving boxes around in the kitchen.
"Morning mom, what's all the boxes for?"
"Morning sleepyhead, these are from some cleaning and reorganizing of the attic I'm doing."
"Oh, okay" and with that Mindy continued on her way to the pantry. Deciding on what cereal to eat for breakfast she felt her stomach growl. That was defiantly unlike her as she usually woke up slightly hungry but not starving. Pouring herself a bowl of cereal and quickly scarfing it down Mindy noticed that she defiantly needed one or two more bowls. Mulling as she ate her next two bowls of cereal she was unhappy at her appetite since it meant she would have to work out to counter her gluttony. However right now Mindy didn't feel like doing anything but sit down and just veg. this was also unlike her but she dismissed it as some of the medicines side effects still circulating.
While watching TV Mindy forced herself not to snack as she didn't want to gain any weight since it would be bikini season soon. After just channel surfing and occasionally paying attention to whatever was on for about an hour Mindy couldn't resist her stomach pangs anymore.
When Mindy shifted to get up though she felt off center. She looked down and saw that her once loose sweatpants now had a little bulge in them. Her hands flew to her stomach to see what the problem was. Her hands though met her stomach a lot sooner than she expected. Holding her stomach that made her look pregnant Mindy forced herself not to panic. Walking into the kitchen to find her mom (and relieve the hunger pangs) she was greeted with a note.
Hi honey, sorry but I really felt like going out for a run right now so I'll be back soon depending on how athletic I'm feeling. Oh before I forget I left out an outfit you may not love but I think you'll need it.
Mindy was disappointed that her mom just happened to go for a run and threw away the note. She went to look at what her mom left her really curious at what it could be. Before she could get to it though Mindy had to stop at the pantry and grab one, no wait two protein bars to satisfy her hunger. Even though she ate the bars she still felt ravished so she went back into the pantry. She pulled out some brownies and also an unopened jar of peanut butter. Not even realizing how many calories she was consuming she ate an entire tin of brownies and the jar of peanut butter.
Once Mindy now finished her junk food binge she patted her belly and this brought her back to reality. Oh shoot I forgot to see what mom left for me, she thought. Getting up from her seat brought another shock to Mindy as her belly felt even heavier and looked bigger. Touching it reminded her of a pregnant persons belly but she knew this was impossible because someone doesn't grow that fast and she hadn't had sex recently enough. However she noticed that her belly did give her a slight waddle when she walked. Mindy just hoped her mom would get home soon enough so she could figure out what to do.
Finally making it over to the dining room table Mindy looked at what her mom left her and was disgusted. In front of her was a men's shirt that was from a big and tall store and was marked extra wide and a pair of overalls. Not the overall shorts that were cute and coming into style but the old-fashioned "farmer john" type. And looking at the tag the sizing was ridiculous. It said only a thirty length but a forty-two waist. And looking at the waist of them it was elastic. Does mom think I'm suddenly going to become morbidly obese? Mindy wondered. Mindy wanted to just put the clothes back but looking at her own attire she decided that the oversized clothes were better than nothing. Taking off her pants and t-shirt Mindy noticed her butt felt a little softer but decided  to ignore it seeing as she had one large problem to deal with. Putting the shirt on she was surprised to see it fit her in the sleeves after she rolled the cuffs up once but the rest of it looked like a tent on her frame. Mindy almost wanted to just have the shirt as a dress but couldn't resist the temptation of putting on the overalls to see how much of an idiot she looked like.
After putting on the overalls Mindy looked at herself in the hallway mirror. Laughing at how she looked as though she was a head and arms covered by some clothes she couldn't help but notice that she felt a little more on her body when she would walk. Since her clothes hid her belly she couldn't see it but she placed her hands on it to see if she could feel a difference. This didn't work so she decided to unbuckle the overalls and lift up her shirt.
When Mindy finally took a look at her belly she yelped in horror. It had grown some more and looked as though she was 5 months pregnant. She put the shirt back on to hide her belly from her view but when she bent over to get her overalls she felt her belly impede her motion. Having to reach around her belly didn't go as smooth as Mindy could have hoped but she eventually got the overalls on. Pulling them up and on was a breeze but Mindy wasn't satisfied just yet.
She was a bit annoyed by how the oversized clothes just hung off of her and flowed aimlessly. So to resolve this she pulled the straps as tight as possible. This brought the bib to just under her neckline but she didn't mind. Fromm pulling the straps in she was able to reduce how much space the clothes took up while still hiding her belly from her view.
Now Mindy was stuck with what to do. Her mom still wasn't back from her run but Mindy expected her to come back soon since her mom wasn't a hardcore marathoner. Before she could figure out something else to do her stomach told her that it was hungry again. Going into the kitchen Mindy wanted to resist pigging out again but couldn't help it. Before she know what had happened she had eaten three full frozen meals a container of ice cream and a whole can of whipped cream. Mindy went back to the couch to sit down and probably rest after her gouging. Feeling preemptive she loosened her overalls so they were more comfortable and laid down with the new weight of her 6 month pregnant belly on her. She yawned trying to stay awake for her mom to come home but couldn't do it.

Waking up Mindy looked down at herself and was disheartened that it all hadn't been a dream. She stood up and immediately had to steady herself. She could feel that her belly had gotten larger and much heavier. Also it stuck out enough that she could see its shape through her clothes. Mindy wasn't uncomfortable and her clothes weren't too tight it just bugged her that she looked (or was) pregnant enough to show through the most oversized clothes she had ever encountered. Looking at the clock on the cable box Mindy saw that she had slept for about an hour. So she was defiantly sure that her mom was home.
"Hey mom you home?" she shouted
"Yes, need anything?" she heard in reply
"Where are you I want to talk to you?"
"In my room, I'll be in the down in a sec"
"Okay meet me in the kitchen" Mindy decided on this because her body told her it was time for another snack. After she ate another protein bar and a large glass of milk her mom came down.
"What is it honey?"
"Umm, well I think something's wrong because right now I look like I'm about to give birth and I'm wearing clothes that are way too big for me."
"Well I guess there's no hiding it"
"No duh. So why am I like this and how did you know"
"I guess I should tell you everything. Recently about two weeks ago there was a solar flare which let out radiation that broke through earth's atmosphere. It caused all women to become infertile. This entire event was kept top secret and the government immediately looked into it. They found that there was a genetic mutation for extreme fertility and that those girls who possessed it were not affected. So they tracked down the possible candidates and one of them was you. What this means is the only person who can have kids right now is you and about 5 to 6 other females. The government contacted me and told me to take you in for this test shot. That's what the birth control shot was. They didn't explain the full science to me that much but to put it simply the test if positive would make you pregnant with octuplets. They also mentioned that this technique makes the effects of pregnancy occur in one week but it will take the normal period of gestation. Since you were positive I stocked up on the largest clothes I could find and I have arranged for you to go to the government's secret hospital on Friday. Dad and I will be coming. I know right now you may just want to kill me but this is for the good of pretty much human kind and you'll be a hero."
"More like a freak! I am going to be giant! And whu…whu why did you only give me these clothes don't you have smaller?" Mindy was beginning to cry.
"Honey those are the smallest I got for you. I tried to be economical because the doctor told me that after this first test you will probably be much larger so I didn't want to waste."
Mindy now just sat there blank eyed and tried to imagine what her life would be like now. She broke down and her mother just stood next to her attempting to console her. Mindy decided that she would try to sleep but her mom made her take off her bra and underwear telling her that one pregnancy played with her body a lot a Mindy should at least prepare.

*Fast forward to Monday*

Mindy woke up grateful that she didn't have school and could sleep however late she wished. However when she thought about it she doubted she would have to go to school ever again if she would be responsible for giving birth to an entire nation. She didn't think about it for too long since her stomach told her it was defiantly time to eat. Mindy began to roll over and see where her body had gotten bigger today. Last night she went to sleep in her overalls and shirt since she was too lazy to get out of it. She went to be with a belly that was about overdue with twins but she knew she was a long way from done. Her breasts had grown to what she thought was about a d-cup and her ass had filled out a little more.
This morning though when she rolled over she felt a large difference in weight. Sitting up took a lot more effort but it was much harder to judge her size since more of her view was becoming obscured. Standing up she waddled over to the mirror to see what had happened. The size of her belly astonished her when she looked at it though. She passed what looked like to be full term with triples and looked as though she was carrying four babies who were ready to pop out any moment. This was the largest gain she had had yet. Her new belly finally filled out the waist in her overalls so that you could see she was defiantly overly pregnant. However she wasn't worried about her overalls not fitting anytime soon as her belly had yet to even stretch the elastic waistband. Turning to her side she noticed that her butt and thighs looked much larger than the day before. She now had a definite bubble butt and her thighs were much thicker. Her boobs though had grown into about DD-cup but were obscured by how big her shirt was.
Mindy was about to turn away from the mirror when she thought she saw her stomach twitch. However she reexamined it and found it was just her mind playing tricks on her. Now Mindy went on with what had become her normal daily routine. It consisted of a lot of lounging around and gorging herself on whatever food was available so she didn't get hungry. Mindy found that as she got bigger her appetite had increased dramatically and she was eating at least quadruple what she ate before.
When she was preparing to go to sleep that night Mindy took off her overalls and shirt too see what the day had brought. Normally she couldn't feel the growth unless she sat down for over two hours and upon standing up she would feel the difference in weight. Mindy thought she looked ready to have maybe five children but it was becoming difficult to tell as she wasn't that familiar with any pregnancy size past the usual twins. Her boobs really hadn't grown much but on the contrary her ass and thighs had defiantly grown. Her butt now rivaled that of a porn star and she had the nice thick thighs to match. What was nice is her body wasn't sagging but it was keeping its pert young shape which allowed Mindy to dream of how nice her body will be if she lost her stomach.
Clothes wise though Mindy was getting annoyed. Her mom had showed her the next smallest piece she had and it was an elastic prairie skirt that wouldn't fit around the widest part of stomach yet. It's not that her clothes weren't comfortable but it was that she was getting bored of wearing the same few things. Shrugging over how to resolve the situation Mindy waddled into bed and waited for the next day to greet her.

Mindy woke up on Friday excited because today she was supposedly being transferred to the government hospital which she hoped was nice. Over the past few days her stomach had slowed growing and stopped but she thought it was small for a belly that was supposed to have eight children in it. She estimated it to look about full term with triplets but she had minimal references since any public pictures of octomom didn't really reveal that much.
The rest of her body had grown though even when her stomach stopped. Her boobs had gone up from DD to an I cup or that what bra fit her right now. Her ass had ballooned out much more and provided a slight counter weight to her belly as did her thighs. She thought her lower body could belong to that of BBW model but there was no hint of cellulite at all so she thought she looked really hot, well if you ignored the giant belly she had.
She had grown into some of the underwear and bras her mom had brought but still any other clothes didn't fit her. Mindy was really confused how her mom could have found so much incredibly oversized clothes and didn't have the brain cells to get something in-between them. Ah well that's her mom. Whatever nothing she could do about it.
Mindy decided to get into her normal getup. She had ditched the shirt once she was able to find and a bra that fit so it was less flowing cloth that could get stuck on different things. Her overalls were still the only bottoms she had and she didn't feel decent walking around in just underwear so she had to wear it. Her mom had washed them for her but she thought it was useless because they really didn't get that dirty laying on the couch all day. Putting the overalls though had become slightly harder. Since her belly had grown the waistband had begun to have stress placed on it. To get around this Mindy attached the hooks before she put the pants on and then slipped it on like suspenders. This wasn't foolproof and sometimes got stuck but better than having to rely on her mom. If she wanted to she could unstrap the top and just let her belly hold up the overalls.
Today though Mindy noticed that her ass was defiantly visible in the back. Looking at the front then she saw that the elastic waistband was stretched a bit more than yesterday. Mindy couldn't help herself from admiring her body since it was really hot in both a stripper sense and a fertility sense. Before she began to waddle downstairs for breakfast she felt her stomach shift. Glancing back at the mirror it looked as though her overalls were fuller. That was quick she thought.
Once she directed attention to her belly it was apparent that she was in fact growing. Her belly was getting bigger at a visible rate. Not fast like a balloon inflating but just slowly adding a bit more space to its domain. Mindy immediately tried to unstrap and pull down her overalls but now of all times they had become too small for her frame.
Panicking Mindy called for her mom who replied calmly saying she would be up in a sec to help. She wanted to shout again but then re thought her situation. She saw that the waistband still had lots to give and it wasn't like she couldn't get that much larger. So she decided to enjoy this sudden growth and just sit and watch her belly grow before her own eyes. It had now begun to look past overdue with sextuplets and was growing through the later stages of seven children. Mindy couldn't help but rub the sides of her belly that poked out the side of the bib. She felt her belly button pop and she wondered why it had taken so long to do so but giggled thinking how pregnant she must look.
As her belly passed being due with seven kids and still grew and she felt her bra get tight. Looking down she saw her already giant boobs slowly but surely increase. They didn't overflow the cups but were starting to fill out a bunch more.
Finally her boobs stopped and they were straining her bra. Mindy couldn't resist touching her even larger mammarys and was so happy that they felt just as perky as before this whole week.
Bring her attention back to her belly she saw it still was growing but seemed to be slowing. This made sense to her since she was only supposed to have eight kids in there. However her overalls were starting to get a bit uncomfortable. The straps began to dig into her shoulders as the elastic ran out of stretch. Since her waistband looked like it was nearing its limit the whole garnet was getting pulled forward by her belly.
Her belly stopped looking overdue with octuplets which Mindy believed was probably the largest anyone had ever gotten. Her overalls had gone from being stuck on her to looking like they were painted on in some areas.
Before she could call for her mom to bring larger clothes she felt a funny tingle I her butt and thighs. Rotating slowly so she could see what was happening in the mirror she saw that now her lower body was growing. Her ass which was already straining the back of the overalls was pushing out further now. That growth subsided quickly while in her thighs it didn't. She had put the overalls on with the pant legs still being larger than her already oversized thighs. Now though they were growing and beginning to push slightly against the denim. Once they stopped growing Mindy smiled because she knew the growth was over. She didn't know how she knew that she just felt that her body was done.
Her boobs looked to be like watermelons attached to her chest and they were supported by her massive stomach which dominated her front side. From the back though one couldn't but focus on her enormous ass and thighs. There was no dimpling and the skin was smooth and soft. Her ass stuck out from her waist for about half a foot and was supported by massive thighs. They rubbed together giving them a sultry look and very inviting. Looking at it all Mindy just stood and giggled enjoying her amazing new body.
"Hey mom, you might want to bring something bigger than that skirt so I don't cause any guys to knock themselves out trying to chase me"
Well i finally go it done. Yay! its just another idea i had so i built the story. i started with a different back plot but liked this one more.
If you like the writing style or concept contact me with an idea and ill probably be able to get it done (albeit slowly)
© 2011 - 2024 stargod13
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Litanus's avatar
This was a fun little read!